S​OYRA 2024 Fall Show
Members Only
We have accepted an exciting opportunity for SOYRA members to have our annual Fall Show at the new Aurora Town Square, 50 Victoria St., Aurora. This venue replaces The Patrick House Gallery which hosted our last two Fall Shows but no longer accommodates outside rentals. Our show will be a large part of the Grand Opening Gala and subsequent Culture Days celebrations the Town has planned.
This venue is literally opening its doors to the public the day our show opens – so we can’t nail down the date that you need you to drop off art quite yet. But we can share with you the following dates:
Fri. Aug 30 – Deadline for Entries
Tentative Drop-off Dates Sept 15-17 to be confirmed
Fri. Sept 20 at 3:00pm – Show Opens
Sun. Oct 13 – Show Closes at 4pm
This show will be juried LIVE for entry as well as prizes. We are not stipulating a maximum size – there are a number of places where large pieces are suitable. We are however stipulating a minimum size of 12" x 12" or 11" x 14". Smaller pieces will just get visually lost in this venue.
Please note that pieces will be exhibited from Sept 20 to Oct 13, 2024.
2024 Juror, Charlotte Hale
Charlotte Hale is an established Canadian arts professional with over 20 years combined experience in independent art gallery management, curatorial practice, artist representation, and photography. An award-winning photographer herself, she has a unique understanding of both guests and artists in a gallery experience. She is currently the Artistic Director/Curator at the Georgina Centre for Arts and Culture in Sutton.
1.For a non-refundable fee of $30.00 artists may enter 2 pieces. We are not stipulating a maximum size – there are a number of places where large pieces will be very suitable. We are however stipulating a minimum size of 12" x 12" or 11" x 14" as smaller pieces will just get visually lost in this venue.
2. This show is juried for entry as well as prizes. A qualified juror will award a 1st place overall and two Honourable Mention ribbons as he/she sees fit. Pieces not accepted for the show need to be removed following the Juror’s decision.
3. Artwork must be framed to professional standards and securely WIRED to D-Rings for hanging. (No saw-toothed hangers please.) NOTE: Paintings or photographs on gallery-wrapped canvas (min. 1.5” in depth) may be submitted without frames but must have painted or wrap-around edges with no staples showing. Photographs and other work on paper presented under glass, must be matted.
4. All work must be recent (within 3 years), the artists’ own conception and done without assistance. Any work deemed to be a copy will be removed.
5. All work must be for sale. SOYRA will process all sales and take 20% commission.
6. The artist is responsible for insuring their work in the show.
7. No artwork may be removed by the artist until the takedown schedule is confirmed.
8. It is the artist’s responsibility to pick up their work promptly.
SOYRA Fall Show Committee
Bill Lunshof, Coordinator
Janice Jones
Linda Welch